About Us
Glenwood Educational Center is a comprehensive institution dedicated to providing tailored educational programs designed to meet the diverse needs of its students. The center offers specialized initiatives such as the Academic/Behavior Improvement Center (ABIC) at the elementary, middle, and high school levels, aimed at fostering both academic growth and behavioral development. Additionally, the BEST program serves elementary, middle, and high school students who have met criteria for an emotional disturbance, providing a supportive environment to address their unique challenges. For younger students, the BEAM classroom focuses on behavior acquisition and modification, helping early elementary students thrive. The Transition School to Work (TSW) program prepares students for the workforce, ensuring they have the skills needed for successful employment, while CHOICES provides flexible diploma and credit options to meet diverse educational goals. Glenwood Educational Center also features an Air Force Junior ROTC program, instilling discipline, leadership, and citizenship in high school students. Together, these programs create a nurturing and structured environment that empowers students to achieve their full potential.